
Auricular acupunture therapy contribution to postural disorders: an exeperimental study randomized and controlled trial

Introduction: There are a lot of treatments about peripheral receptors of postural system 1-2 but exist few studies and treatments which allow to modulate the “central computer” of the system itself3-4.  There are three interpretative models about posture: Psychosomatic5; Biomechanical6; Neurophysiological7. Already in 2002 it proved how neuromodulator of auricle  brings to a  modification of  the cerebral fRMN8.
Aims: to establish experimentally if stimulation of specific points of auricle, compared with non-specific points (Sham), are able to modify posture significantly.
Metods: 44 patients, 20 male e 24 female aged between 17 and 69 years, were equally divided in 2 groups. All the patients were subjected to a postural evaluation through platform posturo-stabilometric: they were subjected a treatment of auricular therapy and immediately repeated the evaluation. This protocol was accomplished three times and spacing by three weeks. About stabilometric exam we have considered those  parameters: stabilometric area, asymmetry of rotation and the load percentage of the right foot. We executed the follow up after three months with the only evaluation posturo-stabilometric. We stimulated the points of auricular using Cryoalfa-Lux.
Results: Stabilometric areaFig1: the true acupuncture group start with a +10,71% respect the ideal one in the first session and it will go to reduce at -2,75% at the third. It loses its effectiveness and then in the follow up it reappears a deviation of -11%. The sham acupuncture starts very close to the ideal area with a deviation of +1,92%, much worse in the third session + 37,55% and finish the follow up at -14,72%.
Asymmetry of rotation: the true acupuncture group starts with a deviation respect the ideal of -2,367% and finish in the follow up with an improvement of -0,96%. The sham group starts with a -4,141 and maintain his deviation throughout all the treatmentsFig2.
Load of right foot: the true acupuncture group before have a deviation of +1,77% that change to +0,456% and +0,838% in the third session and in the follow up. The sham acupuncture group starts with a deviation of 4,6% and reduce to -1,38% and -0,374% in the third session and during the follow upFig3.
Conclusions: We can conclude that neuromodulator of auricular is an important tool to improve the posture.
This treatment should be framed in a treatment where are taken in consideration all the aspects, also relations, biomechanical and psych emotive.
They are undoubtedly desirable new studies, with adequate numbers for statistical purposes.


1. Gagey P.M., Weber B.: Posturologia (regolazione e perturbazioni della stazione eretta). Marrapese Edit.,Roma, 2000.
2. Cesarani A., Alpini D.: Dalla meccanica alla cibernetica, verso un moderno approccio al sistema dell’equilibrio e alle sue disfunzioni,  in: A. Cesarani, Alpini D.  Aspetti medico-legali dei disturbi dell’equilibrio 1. Bi & Gi Editore, Verona 1992.
3. Lowen A.: Bioenergetica. Feltrinelli. Milano, 1983.
4. Lowen A.: La spiritualità del corpo. Astrolabio. Roma, 1991.
5. Gagey P.M., Weber N.: Posturologia, regolazione e perturbazioni della stazione eretta. Marrapese Editore, Roma 2000.
6. Densy-Struyf G. : Les chaînes musculaires et articulaires, Maloine, Paris 1982
7. Scoppa F.: Posturologia e schema corporeo. Attualità in Terapia Manuale e Riabilitazione 2001; 4:5-16.
8. Alimi D., Geissmann A., Gurardeur D.: Auriculair Acupuncture Stimolation Measured On Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Medical Acupuncture, Vol. 13,2,18-21, 2002.

A cura di:
A. Lovato*, N. Lovato, M. Parmagnani, F. Ceccherelli*, G. Gagliardi*.
* A.I.R.A.S. (Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca e l’Aggiornamento Scientifico) Padova, Italy.

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